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Filter pages using ACF fields

  • I want to create a product filtering website but not use woocommerce. I was thinking ACF to add product type and brand which then allowed filtering of products but I don’t really know the best way to do that or if ACF is the best solution but thought I’d start here.

  • There are built in ways in WP for adding things like Products and Brands. These would be custom post type and custom taxonomy. Most filtering can be done using custom taxonomies for things like brands and product categories. I would start there.

    ACF is great for things that would be difficult to manage using a custom taxonomy. For example, the number in stock or something like a part number associated with each product. Or for that matter, any value that would be unique, or even semi unique for each product.

    You can create filters using ACF, but most of the work of building the filter/search form and the queries that display the posts for the search would need to be coded by you.

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