I have a relationship built between two different post types: 1. Furniture (furniture); 2. Fabrics & Finishes (fabricsandfinishes).
Fabrics & Finishes has a custom taxonomy attached to it called “Options”.
On the single Furniture page, I need to display the swatches from Fabrics & Finishes. I’ve got it working according to the documentation and they’re displaying correctly.
$swatches = get_field('furniture_swatches');
<?php if( $swatches ): ?>
<?php foreach( $swatches as $swatch ): ?>
<?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $swatch->ID );
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
However, I need to separate the swatches by their taxonomy on the single Furniture page (e.g.—Standard Frames Swatches[][][][][][], Premium Frames[][][][], Awning Fabrics[][][][][][][], ect.)
I’ve done a lot of searching, but any advice on how to achieve this would be very helpful. Thanks!