I have just done a new ACF install on a new site and am surprised to find, unlike a previous setup, that field groups I create on a User Form are not metaboxed.
* Old: WP 5.8.1, ACF Pro 5.8.9 + several add-ons
* New: WP 5.8.1, ACF standard 5.10.2, pretty clean
“Standard (WP metabox)” is selected in both cases. But, in the new case, a white box does not appear around the field group.
When moving the group to a Post page, it is clearly metaboxed properly.
Any ideas, please?
Probably because the *white-boxed* things are Groups/Repeaters etc, rather than individual fields, is that right?
Oh, this looks to have been a feature of ACF Extended, which even wraps native WP User field areas in metaboxes