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Fields ghosts after update ACF 4.x

  • I built a theme using version 3.x of ACF, with several fields for three types of custom posts. When did I decided to upgrade to version 4.x:

    1. I removed all the fields created.
    2. Updated the plugin.
    3. I created the fields again.

    There is a problem. The old fields keep appearing on “new post” in the area and to publish new custom post.

    How can I fix this? I read the documentation, but it is unclear how to uptade, recomentado because the link is broken.

    Thank you!

  • Hi @marcelolz

    For a field to appear. it must exist in either the database or the functions.php file.

    Have you got any PHP registered fields in your functions.php file?
    Also, why did you delete the fields?

    There is a guide here which will explain what happens when you update from v3 to v4

  • I appreciate your response.

    Unfortunately I did not understand exactly what to do and what to migrate in mudandaças should do manually indicated in the table of actions and filters. The text says that it is easy to migrate, and indicates this link to learn more, but does not work.

    So I found it easier to remove the 15 fields created and recreates them on the same site. There was no reference to them in functions.php and I believed that the simple removal of the fields via plugin erase the references in the database.

    Maybe relamente easy for those who are accustomed to the plugin and meet the English language perfectly, my English is not fluent.

    Thanks for the help!

  • I am creating a website for WPMU institution, subsites and subsidiary organizations will share the same theme. I understood that adding the codes to the functions.php become simpler using the fields without creating them on every site that uses the theme on the network.

  • Hi @marcelolz

    potentially it is the WPMU which is causing the issue…

    There may be a translated field group that still exists?

  • I’m still on localhost ( XAMPP 1.8.0 [PHP: 5.4.4]) to build the first theme that will be used in WPMU web. What I did:

    1. I installed WP 3.5, created the CTP and its taxonomies.
    2. I created custom fields co ACF 3.x.
    3. I upgraded to WP 3.6 and 4.2 ACF
    4. Found errors: infinite loop fields, display fields all posts not only in local set.
    5. Removed fields via plugin and did not use php code in functions.

  • I was inattentive. I had made a reference in functions.php of my theme based and only realized now. When I exported the fields and content to another topic, the site where work conflict was also imported.

    Now, it seems that everything is working properly. Sorry the confusion!

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