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Fields dont display on Front End after Update

  • Hi,

    I have a big problem, the Fields dont display on frontend anymore. All the fields look ok on backend, the data is stored ok, everything is stored in meta as it schould be but none of the displaying functions work. They dont even throw errors or something, the HTML structure shows as intended but no data is displayed.

    The only thing I did after the update is installing WordPress SEO from Yoast and the breadcrums from them. After that nothing displays anymore. I deactivated Worpress SEO and removed it but still nothing.

    Please help.

  • Hi,
    i have to say that the problem is only on the default language. I use WPML and if I change to another language the data appeares. Any ideea?

  • Hi @Manuel_Anghel

    When you use a function such as the_field or get_field, ACF will look at the global $post object and load the data from that post.

    Have you checked that the global $post object is correct?

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