I’m wondering if after having created a group of fields assigned to a custom post type, it
is possible to only target a taxonomy of this custom post type with a field?
For exemple :
– Custom post type = “members” with two sub-categories (‘A’ and ‘B’)
– Group of fields with ‘position’ and ‘gender’
Is it possible to make the field ‘position’ only visible for ‘A’ categorized members when editing the CPT?
Is “A” “B” type members also a taxonomy? If it is then this is not possible with ACF alone. There have been solutions for this in the past. Try searching the forum for something like “conditional logic on taxonomy field”
If this is not the case, what type of field is the “A” “B” type field?
Hi John,
Thanks for your reply. Actually, yes, “A” and “B” are taxonomies for the “Member” Custom Post Type. I going to search into the forum for “conditional logic on taxonomy field”.