Hello, I seem to have an issue, seems to be a bug. I have two field groups that should appear below a post. Both are active and set to show in REST API.
1. Reviews (Order No. 0)
2. Affiliate links (Order No. 1)
When creating a post, I set the category as “Reviews” and as soon as I select the “Rated” tag only the fields from the Reviews group are shown. I also get an error in the console:
Once I save it as draft, I see two instances of the fields belonging to the Review group at the bottom.
Once I reload the draft, I get the affiliate links as well at the end and the fields of the Review group display normally (no duplication).
What’s going on?
Are you using gutenberg? If the answer is this then this is a know issue. https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/known-issues/
Hmmm, so I guess is this one:
Metabox don't update when changing post attributes
So it hasn’t been fixed since ACF 5.8?
No, it hasn’t. These issues are on the WP/guberbug side. They have basically been ignored. You can find links to the github issues in this topic https://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/hide-on-screen-option-not-working/
This is crazy. Ok thank you!
I have to say, though, I don’t think my issue is related to the link you sent.