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Field for WordPress Navigation Menus

  • It would be good to have a select field for all of the wordpress menus created in appearance > menus.

    Some of the websites I’m working on require the ability to create and set custom menus for a given page. I’m currently dealing with this by listing all menus in a standard select element. However this is not dynamic and needs updating whenever a menu is added or deleted. In short there’s currently no easy way (that I’m aware of) to allow an end user to change menus on a given page through WP.

    The field output could be the menu ID, slug, name or object, depending on how the field is set up.

  • There is currently an add on in the WP repo for this, just updated to work on V5.

  • Fantastic, I had missed that. Thank you.

    As a more general question, if someone has built a third party add-on does that reduce the likeliness that it will ever be built into the ACF core? I’m very grateful that people build these add-ons, but I’d be interested to know what parameters are considered before something is built into ACF as oppose to someone building it as an add-on.

  • That I’m not sure about. I suppose it’s partly to do with what will be used by the most people. I like the add-on system because helps keep the core plugin lighter. I honestly don’t like using plugins that try to cram everything possible in because they start to get bloated. While I use things like the repeater field on almost every site I build, I’ve only needed to allow the selection of menus on 1 of the many sites I’ve built.

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