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field choices

  • Hello !

    I have some code that allow me to translate ACF instructions and lables with WP Globus :

    add_filter( 'acf/get_valid_field', 'filter__wpglobus_get_valid_field' );
    function filter__wpglobus_get_valid_field( $field ) {
    	if ( ! class_exists( 'WPGlobus' ) ) {
    		return $field;
    	if ( is_admin() ) {
    		return $field;
    	$_fields[] = 'label';
    	$_fields[] = 'instructions';
    	foreach( $_fields as $_field ) {
    		if ( ! empty( $field[ $_field ] ) ) {
    			$field[ $_field ] = WPGlobus_Core::text_filter( $field[ $_field ], WPGlobus::Config()->language );
    	return $field;

    How can I modify my code in order to loop through the choices of my field to allow the translation of my choices ?

    I also have a repeater field, but I cannot get access to the subfields.

    Thank you for helping,


  • First, why are you using acf/get_valid_field, you can probably use acf/load_field and just do a check to make sure you’re not on the acf field group edit page. This would likely solve your problem with sub fields.

    for the choices it would probably look something like

    foreach ($field['choices'] as $value => $label)) {
      $field['choices'][$value] = WPGlobus_Core::text_filter($label, WPGlobus::Config()->language );
  • Hi John,

    Thank you. I’ve tried the code in acf/load_field but, I receive an error message : Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

    foreach ($field['choices'] as $value => $label) {
      $field['choices'][$value] = WPGlobus_Core::text_filter($label, WPGlobus::Config()->language );

    any idea ?

  • I guess that depends on what type of field you’re trying to change the choice labels on. Since you are running this on every field you need to check that it’s a field type that actually has choices, or make sure that choices is set.

    if (!empty($field['choices'])) {
      foreach ($field['choices'] as $value => $label) {
        $field['choices'][$value] = WPGlobus_Core::text_filter($label,   WPGlobus::Config()->language );
  • Thank you John !

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