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Extend flexible content layouts with acf/load_field

  • Hey,

    we building a theme framework with ACF Pro. Our page builder uses ACF flexible contents. We want to build plugins that extend our page builder with new fields (e.g. teams module).

    My idea was to use the acf/load_field filter to add more “layouts” to the field. It works great – BUT! not with clone fields.

    In our page builder we load global settings (that fits to every page builder item) with a clone field. So if we add new layouts with clone fields, the fields are empty.

    I tried to loading the clone fields by json or php. It makes no difference. Here is my code:

    add_filter( 'acf/load_field/name=page_builder', 'team_registerPageBuilder' );
    function team_registerPageBuilder( $field ) {
    	$sectionKey = xcore_generate_acf_key( 'team' );
    	$fields = [
    		'key'        => 'layout_' . $sectionKey,
    		'name'       => 'page_builder_modules_team',
    		'label'      => 'Team',
    		'display'    => 'block',
    		'sub_fields' => [
    				'key'               => 'field_604a13e5a4a9b',
    				'label'             => 'General',
    				'name'              => '',
    				'type'              => 'tab',
    				'instructions'      => '',
    				'required'          => 0,
    				'conditional_logic' => 0,
    				'wrapper'           => array(
    					'width' => '',
    					'class' => '',
    					'id'    => '',
    				'placement'         => 'top',
    				'endpoint'          => 0,
    				'key'               => 'field_604a13efa4a9c',
    				'label'             => 'General clone',
    				'name'              => 'general_clone',
    				'type'              => 'clone',
    				'instructions'      => '',
    				'required'          => 0,
    				'conditional_logic' => 0,
    				'wrapper'           => array(
    					'width' => '',
    					'class' => '',
    					'id'    => '',
    				'clone'             => array(
    					0 => 'group_6049f5c25d549',
    				'display'           => 'seamless',
    				'layout'            => 'block',
    				'prefix_label'      => 0,
    				'prefix_name'       => 0,
    		'min'        => '',
    		'max'        => '',
    	$field['layouts'][ 'layout_' . $sectionKey ] = $fields;
    	return $field;

    The global field group is “group_6049f5c25d549” and exists. It works great for layouts generated directly in the original fiel group of our page builder.

    Any hint for me?

  • How is your main field group loaded? From JSON?

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