If I can’t access the WordPress backend of a website but I can access the theme files.
Is their a file in the Plugins->AdvancedCustomFields that holds all of the added CMS custom fields?
Eg, Is there a way for me to get a copy of all the fields without logging into the WordPress backend and paste them into a new install?
Reason for question.
My computers logic board recently blew up. I still have the files but I lost all the databases so I don’t have the WordPress backend.
the only way they would be available is if local json was used. this is done by adding the folder “acf-json” to the active theme. If you don’t have that file there isn’t any way to get the fields.
So to clarify.
If in the future I was to create a folder called “acf-json” directly into my active themes folder the custom field data would then be automatically saved there?
So wp-content -> themes -> mytheme -> acf-json
I just did that. Amazing thanks.
That solves the issue of this happening again in the future.
Wish I knew this before.