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Export Individual Flexible Layouts

  • First like to pay homage to the “King of All WordPress Plugins.” Worth 3 times what you are charging. … Okay now

    … I would REALLY love to have the capability to export a single layout by itself. I use this plugin as a site builder and make the “layouts” modules. BUT. Not every site uses the same modules. So the ability to mix and match pre built modules would be priceless. Love to à la carte pre built “layouts”. Is this a thing you all are considering maybe?

  • I don’t know if this is something that is being considered, I’m not the dev. But this is something that is already possible.

    You can create an acf/load_field filter on for the flex field. In this filter you can remove the field groups not being used on the site.

    You could have a configuration setting of some type where you specify what layouts should be included. There is also the possibility of an options page where you can set the layout to use and then use this in your filter to remove the ones not being used.

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