Hi good day to all developers,
I really need your help i need to execute the shortcode on the text area of the instructions field please see my screenshot i really need your help.
use the acf/prepare_field filter and run shortcoded on the field instructions. https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/acf-prepare_field/
add_filter('acf/prepare_field/name=example_field', 'my_acf_prepare_field');
function my_acf_prepare_field($field) {
$field['instructions'] = do_shortcode($field['instructions']);
return $field;
Thank you for the response i will try that one
Not working by the way the instructions field is the default in acf see my screen shot on my post please help me
Are you trying to make the shortcode work when editing the field in ACF or when someone else is editing a post and adding content to the field?
I tested this and it works perfectly on my test field named “some_shortcode” when I added [some_shortcode]
to the acf instuctions field.
add_filter('acf/prepare_field/name=some_shortcode', 'do_sortcode_in_field_instructions');
function do_sortcode_in_field_instructions($field) {
$field['instructions'] = do_shortcode($field['instructions']);
return $field;
add_shortcode('some_shortcode', 'do_some_shortcode');
function do_some_shortcode() {
return 'this is result from the shortcode';