I’m trying to use ACF options pages and message fields to create back-end-help pages.
Unfortunately you can’t escape html – doing so changes the message field to a text field and deletes the content.
For example – my client wants to be able to write CO2 – with a small 2
I’m trying to tell them to write CO<sub>2</sub>
but the message field renders it.
When I write CO\<sub\>2\<\/sub\>
The field is changed to a text field
Hi @zander
So the field is changed into a textarea which you can edit??
if you use all message fields like this,
than try this: (unfortunately you need to edit corefile)
$m = $field['message']; //search this line
$m = htmlentities($m); //add this line before wptexturize line
Well there’s also a setting for it in the message field.
“Escape HTML”.
“Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering”.
That should be fine no? There’s also the load_value filter which you could possibly use instead of modifying core files.