Hi there!
I’m not able to update the ACF Pro plugin as usual, as I’m getting the following “Error. Licence key not found.” error.
When I try to deactivate the license key to enter it again and try to update, the yellow warning appears and I’m not able to deactivate de key.
Is there any way to revoke the license key via PHPmyAdmin and try to activate the plugin again?
Any other ideas? Thanks in advance :O)
You can log into your account here at ACF https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/my-account/. There is a section there to see your key and sites where it is active and you can also revoke the activation there.
Hi John!
I’ve tried that solution but the site is not appearing in the activated licenses list.
Is like it’s not properly linked, but I have no way to revoke the license via wp-admin.
That’s why I asked you about deleting the license info using PHPmyAdmin.
Any idea? Thanks a lot 🙂