Hello everybody,
I followed this tutorial so as to create a color field in theme options that feed my all pages with a select field (none, color 1, color 2,…)
I works great, field is displayed and I can change color on my page according to the selected value.
However I have an issue, when I update color in theme options, it resets my color field with the first choice which is none and I must update the selected field on pages each time I update a color.
It loses all its usefulness…
Here is my function :
function acf_load_color_field_choices( $option_color ) {
// reset choices
$option_color['choices'] = array();
// if has rows
if( have_rows('couleurs', 'option') ) {
// while has rows
while( have_rows('couleurs', 'option') ) {
// instantiate row
// vars
$label = get_sub_field('nom_couleur');
$value = get_sub_field('couleur');
// append to choices
$option_color['choices'][ $value ] = $label;
//$option_color['default_value'] = 'Aucune couleur';
// return the field
return $option_color;
add_filter('acf/load_field/name=menu_color', 'acf_load_color_field_choices');
Any help appreciated ;-).
All the best.
nobody can help me on this ?
Sometimes you have to take a step back…
name=menu_color wasn’t the right ACF field…