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Dynamic titles for flexible content pane

  • Hi,

    I tried following this :

    For some reason, although it looks ok, when you click on the flexible content field it overwrites and deletes the title in there. I can’t figure out why.

    Has anyone had this/ can figure out why the title disappears (the whole element disappears from the html!)

    Thank you

    The function:

    add_filter('acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title/name=desktop_menu', 'my_acf_fields_flexible_content_layout_title', 10, 4);
    function my_acf_fields_flexible_content_layout_title( $title, $field, $layout, $i ) {
    $rows = get_sub_field('menu_items');
    	  $ret = $title;
    		if ($custom_title = get_sub_field('menu_items')[0]["link_to"]) {
    			$ret = $custom_title;
    	$custom_title = $title;
        return $ret;

    Acf structure:

    Flexible content field ‘desktop_menu’, layout below that ‘level_one_links’, level below that ‘menu_items’ repeater, level below that is ‘link_to’ which is a text field

  • It looks like you have nested repeater fields. You need to use nested have_rows() Loops, or you need to access the nested value in the array from your get_sub_field() call.

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