I have a lot of flexible content fields in my project. In theory, there are 4-20 ‘page-section’ field-groups. Is there any magic way to include one of the field’s values – as part of the pane’s label? Just checking… : )

I think you’re looking for the acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title
filter. Assuming the name on that Title dropdown is just ‘title’ I think this should do it?
add_filter('acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title', function($title) {
$ret = $title;
if ($custom_title = get_sub_field('title')) {
$ret = sprintf('<strong>%s</strong> <em style="font-size: 80%; opacity: 0.5">%s</em>', $custom_title, $title);
return $ret;
Ooooh…. this is really cool!
I had given each block a different key/name – so, I changed that to ‘block_title’ – so that I could keep it simple.
add_filter(‘acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title’, function($title) {
$ret = $title;
if ($custom_title = get_sub_field(‘block_title’)) {
$ret = sprintf($title . ‘: ‘ . ‘<strong>’ . $custom_title . ‘</strong>’);
return $ret;
Hooray!!! So cool! Thanks @antishow !
(for anyone else who finds this / the filter goes in your functions.php)
I meant to click ‘this solved my question’ on your answer – but botched it – and hit it on my own… : / — and can’t seem to undo it!
Is this also possible with a repeater field?
@storm-amber no, this is not a feature of repeater fields. Repeaters allow you do select which sub field is shown when collapsed.