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Dynamic frontend facing user submit form

  • On a WordPress website I would like to have a form where users can submit data about courses they are offering, but some offer more and different courses than others. Therefor, I would like to give them an option to add another field to the form, so it would look a bit like the following. The basic form would look like this:

    Course name (text field) - language (dropdown) - date (date picker or text field)
    But if a user offers 2 courses, they would be able to press a button like ‘add row’ and it would give them the same row of three fields again. Looking like

    Course name 1 - language - date [add row]
    Course name 2 - language - date [add row]

    But also, if a user offers 1 course, but in 2 languages and on 3 dates, they should be able to enter that, looking like

    Course 1 - language 1 [add language]- date 1[add date][add row]
               language 2 [add language]- date 2[add date][add row]
                                          date 3[add date][add row]
    Course 2 - language 1 [add language]- date 1[add date][add row]
               language 2 [add language]- date 2[add date][add row]
               language 3 [add language]

    And so on and so forth…

    Would it be possible to do this with ACF and how?

  • Ok, thank you for that.

    Could you give me some directions on how to use this repeater fields and how to make them frontend facing?

  • See acf_form for adding forms on the front of your site The repeater is documented here If you have any specific question about either let us know.

  • So, I went to this page:
    And copied the acf_form_head and the acf_form codes in the example to my single.php file. Reloaded my page. Nothing happened.
    Could you give me a somewhat more ‘for dummies’ guide on how to start on this?

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