Just tried to duplicate a post object field so I wouldn’t have to replicate all of the settings, but the filter by post / taxonomy types boxes are hidden. Saving / reloading the page brings them back again so fairly easy to work around.
WP 4.3.1
ACF Pro 5.3.1
This started happening to me in the latest ACF Pro 5.3.1 update as well.
Yeah, just tried this myself. I’ll flag this for the developer. I know he’s been making some changes to the JS. At least it is something that can be dealt with fairly easily.
Has there been any update on this yet? This is a bug that still persists on any field (not just the Post Object field) that has filters for Post Type and Taxonomy, such as Page Link and Relationship fields.
I’ve posted an issue on the dev repo
The developer has found and fixed this bug and it will be included in the next update.