After the upgrade to ACF 5 Pro, I now have duplicate Group Field blocks on each edit page/post page on the admin console. I have included a screenshot for reference.
On the ACF Admin page, I only have 1 of each field group listed (as expected).
Only the bottom of the 2 boxes is savable – when I add a new row to the top box and update the post/page, nothing is saved. However, when I add a new row to the bottom box, the content is saved and both boxes are updated with the new content.
Any ideas?
I lied. When I go to edit a Field Group, all my values are duplicated there as well. I will read around and see if anyone else found a solution.
Is there any chance you ran the DB upgrade twice?
ie. upgrade to 5, rollback to 4, upgrade to 5 again?
This would explain why the field’s have been duplicated and I have added a fix for this in the recent 4.3.9 update which will prevent this issue
Did you get sorted? If so, what was the fix?
I’ve got almost the exact same issue:
I am having the same issue.
I activated the Pro plugin, then deactivated the previous plugin with all the add-ons, then I updated my database. Now I have duplicate fields on all edit screens. I’m not using the JSON folder.
Any luck on fixing?
Hi @robnero
When editing your field groups, can you see duplicated field groups?
When you edit a field group, can you see duplicate fields?
Can you simply remove the duplicated field groups/fields?
I’m afraid I already backed out the upgrade and edits. I’m almost sure there were not duplicate field groups. The fields were replicated at least 4-6 times too. I remember seeing many duplicate images on screen, when there should have only been one, and not seeing many field groups. My first thought was to delete the field groups, but I don’t think there were duplicates, if my memory is right.
I am having the same issue, but after upgradingd to free 4.3.9. I was able to repeat the bug on two separate instances by simply upgrading. The duplicated fields were not savable.
I did found the duplicated groups under Field Groups admin, and deleting the latter seemingly solved the issue.
For others having this issue: I was able to remove my duplicate fields by removing the duplicate json file from the /acf-json/ folder.
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