I want to create a dropdown in the admin with the ACF Fields but that doesn’t work… (for my custom post type)
I use the function get_field_objects() but it seems doesn’t work in the wp-admin…
Is it really an object ? Because i need to make it object…
function arrayToObject( $array ){
foreach( $array as $key => $value ){
if( is_array( $value ) ) $array[ $key ] = arrayToObject( $value );
return (object) $array;
$of_fields = array("Select a Field" => '');
$of_fields_obj = get_field_objects();
$of_fields_obj = arrayToObject($of_fields_obj);
foreach ($of_fields_obj as $of_field) {
$of_fields[$of_field->label] = $of_field->name;
How can i have an array() not empty in back-end with the Label/Name of fields from my custom post type ?
Any idea ?
Any idea for my problem or i need to make a better explain ?
Thank you