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doshortcode() on Message type

  • On the back end when adding/editing a new type, I have a “message” field and in that field I have a shortcode [ show_data ]

    I created filters for “acf/format_value/type=message” and “acf/load_value/type=message”, but my “do_shortcode()” call is never executed when the metabox is displayed on the back end.

    Is there another filter I’m missing?

  • Hi @dnavarrojr

    Thanks for the post.

    For ACF to render the shortcode markers, hooking into the acf/format_value is enough I am not sure why your shortcode is not being rendered.

    How have you created you shortcode marker using the shortcode API?

    Please refer to this codex when setting up your shortcodes:

    For ACF’s simple text values, the following syntax should be used:
    [acf field="field_name" post_id="123"]

  • So I’m hooking into this as well and the ONLY way it seems to work is with "acf/load_field/type=message" as the filter. problem is then the definition of the field in the acf-field-group post gets altered as well. this is what I’ve got going on and it works:

    // Allow for shortcodes in messages
    function acf_load_field_message($field  ) {
    	$type = get_post_type();
    	if ($type !== "acf-field-group") {
    		$field['message'] = do_shortcode($field['message']);
    	return $field;
    add_filter('acf/load_field/type=message', 'acf_load_field_message', 10, 3);

    It seems a little fragile and inelegant. Thoughts?

  • Hi @infn8

    The code looks great for me. You can also use the get_current_screen() function to check the post type like this:

    // Allow for shortcodes in messages
    function acf_load_field_message($field  ) {
        $screen = get_current_screen();
        if ($screen->post_type !== "acf-field-group") {
            $field['message'] = do_shortcode($field['message']);
        return $field;
    add_filter('acf/load_field/type=message', 'acf_load_field_message', 10, 3);


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