I’m attempting to develop a full blown Project Management utility using the Advanced Custom Fields Plugin.
I’ve used the CPT UI Plugin to create a CPT called “Projects” and another called “Tasks”. Then I used ACF to create Custom Fields for them.
One of the fields on Tasks is called “Project” and it’s a Post Object field type. It allows the user to select from a list Projects in the “Projects” CPT I created.
Now what I’m trying to achieve is to display a list of Tasks that correspond with the currently viewed Project – as any normal project manager does. I suppose this requires a custom ACF Field to be created, but I thought I would ask here first in case someone has a solution.
All Projects List
My Project #1
My Project #2
All Tasks List
My Task #1 whose Project is My Project #1
My Task #2 whose Project is My Project #1
My Task #3 whose Project is My Project #2
Single Project View for Project #1
– Tasks
– – My Task #1
– – My Task #2
Elliot has created a tutorial about querying relationship field here: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/querying-relationship-fields/
This would be a bit different. A Post Object field holds a single value rather than an array, so this makes it easier. Basically you just need to query the tasks post type with a meta_query to look for the ID of the project.