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Displaying Fields – HTML in functions.php

  • Hi,

    I have 6 custom fields: link1, price1, link2, price2, link3, price3

    I need to check if data exists in each set and then display them as one (using a shortcode). I’m currently putting the code into the functions.php file but I’m a bit lost if I’m honest.

    This is what I have so far using only 2 custom fields:

    function displayprice() {
    	$go_price = get_field( "price1" );
    	$go_link = get_field( "link1" );
    	if( $price1 & $link1 ) {
    	    echo '<a href='.$link1;'>'.$price1;'</a>';
    add_shortcode('showprices', 'displayprice');

    I believe I’m getting mixed up with the html and the retrieval of the variables within it.

    Any help appreciated 🙂

  • Shortcodes are meant to return data instead of echo it out. Additionally, it looks like the concatenation is malformed after $link1. Any time you’re combining variables with strings you need to use period . to connect them and only a semicolon at the very end. The variables are also not right – you use ‘price1’ in for the field parameter but $go_price is the variable. The anchor needs double quotes to surround the attribute URL. And the conditional needs 2 ampersands.

    All in all it should look something like this:

    function displayprice() {
    	$return		= '';
    	$go_price 	= get_field( 'price1' );
    	$go_link 	= get_field( 'link1' );
    	if( $go_price && $go_link ) {
    		$return = '<a href="' . esc_url( $go_link ) . '">' . $go_price . '</a>';
    	return $return;
    add_shortcode( 'showprices', 'displayprice' );
  • That works perfectly – thank you.

    One more thing if possible, how would I combine multiple variables so it can run through price and link 1, 2 and 3 like below:

    If there is data in price1/link1 = show
    If there is data in price2/link2 = show
    If there is data in price3/link3 = show


    return ‘Not Available’

  • If you’re variables are named like above you could loop through them with a for() loop and take advantage of the $i incrementor:

    function displayprice() {
    	$return		= '';
    	for( $i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++ ) {
    		$price = get_field( "price{$i}" );	// price1, price2, price3
    		$link  = get_field( "link{$i}" );	// link1, link2, link3
    		$return .= sprintf(
    			'<a href="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</a>',
    			esc_url( $link ),
    	if( empty( $return ) ) {
    		$return = __( 'Not Available' );
    	return $return;
    add_shortcode( 'showprices', 'displayprice' );
  • Unfortunately my variables are labelled textually otherwise this would work.

    So Go_Price/Go_Link, BK_Price/BK_Link, ML_Price/ML_link

    I assume this would change the solution completely?

  • It would, just use the same method as the first with 4 conditionals

    $price1 = get_field( 'foo' );
    $link1 = get_field( 'bar' );
    if( $price1 && $link1 ) {
    	$return .= '<a href="' . esc_url( $link1 ) . '">' . $price1 . '</a>';

    If none of the conditionals run, $return will be empty and you can check against that to return you default string.

  • This is what I have so far:

    function displayprice() {
    	$return		= '';
    	$go_price 	= get_field( 'go_price' );
    	$go_link 	= get_field( 'go_link' );
            $bk_price 	= get_field( 'bk_price' );
    	$bk_link 	= get_field( 'bk_link' );
            $ml_price 	= get_field( 'ml_price' );
    	$ml_link 	= get_field( 'ml_link' );
    	if( $go_price && $go_link ) {
    		$return = '<a href="' . esc_url( $go_link ) . '">' . $go_price . '</a>';
            if( $bk_price && $bk_link ) {
    		$return = '<a href="' . esc_url( $bk_link ) . '">' . $bk_price . '</a>';
            if( $ml_price && $ml_link ) {
    		$return = '<a href="' . esc_url( $ml_link ) . '">' . $ml_price . '</a>';
    	return $return;
    add_shortcode( 'showprices', 'displayprice' );

    The issue I have is that if the first conditional is true, it doesn’t return any other. I need all 3 to return if data exists in each.

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