I created a repeater field (accreditations) containing a taxonomy subfield (organization) and text subfield (points). So for each row I can select one taxonomy term and put the associated points in the text subfield.
Now I would like to display the organizations (taxonomy terms) and points (text inputs) in a table. Tried the code below, which shows the points, but does not show the organizations (term names).
function custom_accreditations () {
echo '<div><figure class="wp-block-table"><table class="accreditaties"><tbody><tr><td><strong>Organization</strong></td><td><strong>Punten</strong></td></tr>';
while (have_rows('accreditations')) : the_row();
$term = get_sub_field('organization');
$points = get_sub_field('points');
if( $term ):
$organization = $term->name;
echo '<tr><td>'.$organization.'</td><td>'.$punten.'</td></tr>';
echo '</tbody></table></figure></div>';
$content = ob_get_clean(); // store buffered output content.
return $content;
add_shortcode( 'accreditatiepunten', 'custom_accreditations' );
What am I doing wrong? Anyone know how to display the taxonomy term names correctly?
In the taxonomy subfield, setting the return value from Term id to Term object solved the issue.