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Display Range of Dates with First and Last Row in Repeater

  • Using the Date Picker field in a Repeater field, I’m trying to display a range of dates. The last row has the oldest date, and the first row has the latest date. You can see it partially working on my archive page – Here’s my code so far:

    $rows = get_field( 'sermon_series_media' ); // Get all the rows
    $first_row_date = $rows[0]['sermon_date']; // Get the first row
    $last_row = end( $rows );
    $last_row_date = $last_row['sermon_date']; // Get the sub field value
    if( $last_row_date ) : ?>
        <div class="archive-sermon-date-range">
        <?php echo last_row_date; ?>
            <?php if( $last_row_date != $first_row_date ) : ?> - <?php echo $first_row_date; ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    As you can see on the Peace Makers series, I get a warning. The Peace Makers series doesn’t have any data in the Repeater field – There are no rows.

    Warning: end() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in…

    I’m very new to PHP. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Only output content if there are rows

      $rows = get_field( 'sermon_series_media' ); // Get all the rows
      if ($rows) {
        $first_row_date = $rows[0]['sermon_date']; // Get the first row
        $last_row = end( $rows );
        $last_row_date = $last_row['sermon_date']; // Get the sub field value
        if( $last_row_date ) : 
            <div class="archive-sermon-date-range">
                echo last_row_date;
                if( $last_row_date != $first_row_date ) : 
                  ?> - <?php echo $first_row_date;
                php endif; 
      } // end if $rows
  • That works. Thanks, John!

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