Hi friends,
I need to do something very similar like the default wordpress use to display all post from an Author (Posted on mm/dd/yy by Author). Where Author is a custom field.
I readed https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/query-posts-custom-fields/
But I don’t understand how to automatically generate de url for Author that will take me to a new page to display all of his posts. Can’t add a manual url because the author is not gonna be the same.
Any help would be appreciate.
What type of field is the custom field?
Is it a “User” field, a “Relationship” field, what type of ACF field is it?
Field Type -> Choice -> Select
Thats it?
Then there can’t be a URL that shows posts by this field, at least not without a lot of work. See this page and especially the “Dynamic $_GET parameters” section https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/query-posts-custom-fields/
Oh ok, Thank you for your help!
I was thinking by your OP that you might be using a “User” field. If that was the case you could simply link to the “Author” page. If all of your Authors are users on the site then this might be a better solution.
Yes that would be a good solution. I’ll give a try.
Thank you!