I have 2 groups fields displayed on 1 frontend page.
First groups has 6 fields
2nd group 1 field.
The first call to acf-form is ok.
the 2nd call does nothing execpt displaying first groups fields again !?!!
//Monday Fields
acf_form( array(‘form’ => false,
‘fields_group’ => 899,
‘return’ =>false,
‘post_id’ => ‘user_’ . get_current_user_id(),
‘field_el’ => ‘td’,
‘html_before_fields’ => ‘<tr><td>Monday’,
‘html_after_fields’ => ‘</td></tr>’,
) );
echo ‘</table>’;
echo ‘<table>’;
//Dummy Field
acf_form( array(‘form’ => false,
‘fields_group’ => 921,
‘return’ =>false,
‘post_id’ => ‘user_’ . get_current_user_id(),
‘html_before_fields’ => ‘<tr><td>Tuesday’,
‘html_after_fields’ => ‘</td></tr>’,
‘field_el’ => ‘td’,
) );
echo ‘</table>’;
Hi @marc-bovetgmail-com
That is because you used the wrong option. It should be “field_groups”, not “fields_group” (please notice the “s”).
Also, you need to pass the field group IDs in an array like this:
'field_groups' => array(899),
I hope this helps 🙂
yeah ! it’s working much better now 😉
will open my eyes next time
thanks !