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Display if value is not empty

  • Hi all,
    I wrote this function that show the value of field next to label.

    $color = get_field_object('color');
    $finish = get_field_object('finish');
    $material = get_field_object('met');
    $warranty = get_field_object('warranty');
    if( $color || $finish || $material || $warranty ): ?>
    	<div class="add-info add-info-l"> <?php echo $color['label']; ?></div><div class="add-info add-info-r"> <?php echo $color['value']; ?>
    	<div class="add-info add-info-l"> <?php echo $finish['label']; ?></div><div class="add-info add-info-r"> <?php echo $finish['value']; ?>
    	<div class="add-info add-info-l"> <?php echo $material['label']; ?></div><div class="add-info add-info-r"> <?php echo $material['value']; ?>
    	<div class="add-info add-info-l"> <?php echo $warranty['label']; ?></div><div class="add-info add-info-r"> <?php echo $warranty['value']; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Can someone help me please what can I change / add to my code that if the field value is empty, the label of the specific field wont appear in front-end.

    Thanks guy 🙂
    I didn’t find any solution here.

    if (!empty($color['value'])) {
      // output label and value
  • Thank you! but if I want to check another field what should I do?
    I tried

    <?php elseif (!empty($finish['value'])): ?>
       // Another field output

    but it is not working.

  • No “elseif”, you would check each field independently. I only gave you one example.

  • You can use this plugin to easily display fields with a simple shortcode (like ‘[acf_views view-id=”x”]’), that can be pasted anywhere, including page editors. It has an option to display fields (and their label) only in case the field has a value.

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