We are using a custom field to enable zip and PDF downloads.
How can we display the format and file size alongside the button? Please see this image for an example: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6wm97gl3qpdkvxhdlpbai/acf-file-info.png?rlkey=x77c95qoji7e8vqtntm6cmhsh&dl=0
We are using the Cornerstone page builder, which has built in tools for ACF. At the moment I am display the full file path and name. See a screen grab here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pa0xsp07tumkyou48wgn2/acf-file-format.png?rlkey=f5nvz05sjkanpli6bj9kcjzsn&dl=0
I suspect that I will have to use a raw content container to add code into that instead.
If anybody knows Cornerstone, these are the ACF options: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n1yu6uoa54dfg2nt14j1n/acf-cornertsone-options.png?rlkey=4z4h600pt0swwvmzdwr31s943&dl=0
Apologies for all of the links, I hope I am being as clear as possible. Any suggestions would be great.