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Display different values depending on the choice in other field

  • Hi! I literally have more than one month trying to do this.

    I have two selects fields. I want when someone select a value in a select field, the next select field get automatically populate with specific values.

    Something like this:

    $all_options = array(
    “FR” => array(
    “Paris” =>”Paris”,
    “Marseille” => “Marseille”,
    “Lyon” => “Lyon”
    “ES” => array(

    Please let me know if there an easy way to do this.


  • There is no “easy” way to do this. This would need to be done using custom JavaScript to alter the values available in the second field based on the selection of the first.

    The easiest way to make this work without custom coding is to have multiple fields for the second select field that are conditional based on the first field.

  • is we need to update more in the custom javascript? kinldy let me know.

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