I added a custom field to the product category page. It’s a Wyswig field. I can’t seem to figure out how to display the field on the page.
I’ve edited the product-archive.php file and placed the following code before the woocommerce_product_loop_end(); hook
$value = get_field( 'bottom_description', 8 );
echo $value;
I’ve also tried adding a hook in the functions.php file.
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop', 'prodcatdesc' );
function prodcatdesc() {
echo the_field('bottom_description');
How can I get this to work?
Did you get this to work? If so how??
What does 8
represent here $value = get_field( 'bottom_description', 8 );
If you want to get a field from a category
$queried_object = get_queried_object();
$value = get_field('field-name', $queried_object);