i’m using color picker in a repetear field and I want to display to my users the “name of color” for each color in frontend.
I find a JS for the name : http://chir.ag/projects/ntc/
can you help me ?
thank you.
Hi @mikealkeal
The library you have linked is used for JS, so you need to get the name and apply it using JS too. Here’s an example how you can integrate PHP code and JS script:
<script type="text/javascript">
var n_match = ntc.name("<?php the_field('color_field_name') ?>");
n_rgb = n_match[0]; // RGB value of closest match
n_name = n_match[1]; // Text string: Color name
n_exactmatch = n_match[2]; // True if exact color match
If you want to do it using PHP code, kindly check this thread: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2993970/function-that-converts-hex-color-values-to-an-approximate-color-name.
I hope this helps 🙂
I share my code for those who want
<?php if( have_rows('field_name_repeater') ): ?>
<?php while( have_rows('field_name_repeater') ): the_row();
$color = get_sub_field('fied_colorpicker');
<div class="color-repeat" data-color="<?php echo $color; ?>">
<div class="colorName"></div>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
JS :
$('.color-repeat').each(function( ) {
var color = $(this).data( "color" );
var n_match = ntc.name(color);
n_name = n_match[1]; // Text string: Color name