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Display All elements of User's Profile info

  • Hi ! I am sure this question has been asked before, but I can’t seem to find out this info on forums anywhere. Here is my screenshot

    I am trying to achieve the follwoing: Added custom field category User, to display all subscriber role users as drop-down menu, in post. When I am in post, the drop-down shows up, I select the username, and using shortcode in the body of the post to display user profile info. Only some info displays, but AIM, Yahoo fields are not displayed. How to add those as a part of User to display on my post ?

    Thank You ! Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Are you using WP_User_Query to display the fields in your shortcode?

    Using the user ID, you should be able to display user meta data using the info here.

    For example, in your shortcode, you could do this to display their AIM name.

    Hope that helps,


  • to onesizeup, Thank you for sending the link about WP_User_Query, I just checked and will experiment and post back with my results. I appreciate your effort ! Good day to you !


  • This is what worked for me, by inserting the code into Functions.php
    in admin dashboard, inside post, I type in short code like this:
    [get_all_user_fields post_field=”user_aim” ], and i get all profile fields shown on front end. Hope this will help someone else.

    if(! function_exists(‘get_all_user_fields_func’)) {
    function get_all_user_fields_func( $atts ) {
    extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    ‘post_field’ => ‘user_aim’,
    ), $atts ) );
    $fieldsList = array(
    “first_name” => “First Name”,
    “last_name” => “Last Name”,
    “text_aim” => “AIM”
    $postId = get_the_ID();
    $customFields = get_post_custom($postId);
    if (isset($customFields[$post_field])) {
    $userID = $customFields[$post_field][0];
    else {
    $userID = 0;
    // The Query
    $user_query = new WP_User_Query( array( ‘include’ => array( $userID ) ) );
    // User Loop
    if ( ! empty( $user_query->results ) ) {
    foreach ( $user_query->results as $user ) {
    foreach ( $fieldsList as $fieldName => $fieldLabel) {
    $user_field = get_user_meta($userID, $fieldName);
    if (isset($user_field[0])) {
    $fieldValue = $user_field[0];
    $out .= “<b>$fieldLabel<b>: «$fieldValue» <br/>”;
    }else {
    $out .= “<b>$fieldLabel<b> is not filled <br/>”;
    } else {
    $out = ‘No users found at all.’;
    return $out;
    add_shortcode( ‘get_all_user_fields’, ‘get_all_user_fields_func’ );

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