I try to set up the automatic display of a person’s age, same way as Wikipedia does.
exemple : 17 mai 1990 (33 ans)
here is my code:
<?php echo get_field( 'person-birthday', $post->ID ); ?> //display the date
<?php $date_string = get_field( 'person-birthday', $post->ID );
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'Ymd', $date_string );
$birthday = new DateTime( $date );
$interval = $birthday->diff( new DateTime );
echo '(' .$interval->y.' ans)'; ?>
Source: https://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/calculate-age-from-date-field/#post-45149
My issue is that the age always display “0”. Is there something wrong in my code ?
Hello, I still need help on this one, thanks.
when you use get_field() it will return the date in the format you specified for “Return Format”, make sure this matches with the format you are trying to use when creating the DateTime object.