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Display ACF from specific Taxonomy

  • Hi. I am creating a website using CPT UI and ACF.
    I have created a CPT called ‘repairs’. Inside this CPT I have created 2 taxonomies:
    ‘repair_type’ and ‘product_brand’.

    Each post is related to a repair type (e.g. Screen replacement, battery replacement, case repair, etc.. ) and also a brand (e.g. Apple, Samsung, Sony, etc..).

    Inside a taxonomy ‘repair_type’ I have a ACF field called ‘repair_price’. This field appears no problem in the admin for each repair type. My issue is that I would like to display this field in the ‘repairs’ post. I have tried modifying the single.php file to display this using:

    <?php $term = get_field(‘repair_price’); ?>
    <?php the_field(‘repair_price’, $term); ?> €

    But the field doesn´t show. I think that maybe, as the post is linked to 2 taxonomies I may have to specify exactly which taxonomy term I need to pull the data from?

    I have also tried:

    $term = get_queried_object();
    $price = get_field(‘repair_price’, $term);
    <?php echo $price; ?>;

    but this also does not work.

    Any ideas. Appreciate any help

  • Do you have a field where you set the term in each of these taxonomies or do they use the standard WP metaboxes?

    You need to get the term in the taxonomy related to the post, what you need to do that depends on if you have an ACF taxonomy field for each taxonomy on the post edit page or not.

  • Hi,

    I don´t really understand. I set up the taxonomy using CPT UI and then added a ACF field to it for the price field. Everything else is standard. I am not using the ACF taxonomy type field.

  • The price field is on the taxonomy term. Before you can get that field you need to get the term to get it from.

    I am asking how you set this term when you edit a “Repair” post.

  • Oh I see. I set it using the WO taxonomy checkboxes which appear in the right column. I am not using the ACF taxonomy selector.

  • You need to get the terms as set by WP for the post

    $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'repair_type');

    This will return an array containing all of the selected terms. You need to loop over these and get the field from the term

    if (!empty($terms) && !is_wp_error($terms)) {
      foreach ($terms as $term) {
        $repair_price = get_field('repair_price[, $term);
  • Great!! This has worked. greatly appreciated thanks you!

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