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Display a field from a taxonomy on a single post

  • I have a taxonomy called Job Title, with a custom field called intro. One of the terms is Doctors, and it has an intro.

    I can get an archive of Doctors, and display the intro.

    But I can’t find a way to display the into on single posts in the term Doctors.

  • I have tried this code:

    $term_field = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'job_title'); 
    $intro = get_field('intro', $term_field);
    echo $intro

    But it does not work.

  • Hello, I have the same problem and I tried it and passing it the exact ID of a field and nothing, fails to submit the information

  • Hi, i got the solution, you need insert the taxonomy name + ID of taxonomy.

    $intro = get_field(‘intro’,’job_title_IDOFYOURTAXONOMYITEM’)

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