I’m using the ACF PRO.
Default value is not displayed in the options page, I am in trouble.
It does not have to set it different and especially when the ACF 4.
Please help.
try this in function.php
// Add SubMenu on option pages
if(function_exists('acf_add_options_page')) {
Hi comvis
Description is insufficient, I am sorry.
“Acf_add_options_page” I know.
The default value is not displayed.
Hi @ibridge
Thanks for the bug report. I’ll have this bug fixed in the next update 5.0.3
For now, please make this manual change (api/api-value:line 83):
$v = get_option( "{$post_id}_{$field['name']}", null );
Hi Elliot Condon
Thank you for reply and fixed code.
ACF is awesome custom field plugin.
Thank you!!