I have a problem with visual editor field. When I edit a page or post and use visual editor field (with repeater, to show more than 30 custom information boxes) the post content is duplicated with text from visual editor field – when I edit field in full screen mode, paste a text (CTR+V), and get back to normal view, the post content shows the content from visual editor custom field. My editor is TinyMCE. I use qtranslate. How can I fix that?
Hi @pawelpoz
I think the conflict here is due to qTranslate.
If you disable that plugin, do the WYSIWYG field’s behave correctly?
Yest, the problem is qtranslate, but… i fixed that (almost).
This is the solution:
Go into wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/qtranslate_javascript.php
Go to line 288 (or line between 280-320 when you use other version qtranslate).
Search and Delete:
if (ed.editorId.match(/^qtrans_/)) {
It almost fixed problem, but sometimes default post content is replaced with visual editor field, sometimes not. I edit visual editor field 20 times, and 2-3 times post content was replaced with content from visual editor field. It’s strange. Have any idea?
Hi @pawelpoz
I wish I knew, but I am unable to advise you on the cause of the issue.
i wish you good luck in your debugging and hope you can find out why qTranslate is causing this random issue.