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Default Flex content with acf/load_value: Default layouts load, but not content

  • I’m using the “acf/load_value” filter to provide a default flex content template for a specific post type. So far I’ve managed to load default layouts just fine, but any content I try to put in them will not appear. Can someone help me find what I’m doing wrong?

    This is my filter function:

    function default_page_blocks_room( $value, $post_id, $field ) {
    	$new_value = $value;
    	$post_type = get_post_type( $post_id );
    	// La valeur ne sera null que si c'est une nouvelle page
    	if( null === $value ) {
    		if( 'room' == $post_type ) {
    			$new_value = [
    					'acf_fc_layout' => 'small_gallery_text',
    					'text' =>
    						'<h2>' . __("Description", 'bonestheme') . '</h2>'
    						. '<p>' . __("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas varius tortor nibh, sit amet tempor nibh finibus et. Aenean eu enim justo.", 'bonestheme') . '</p>'
    						. '<ul class="half-width-blocks">'
    						. '<li>'
    						. '<strong class="large-text">' . __("Donec libero turpis, lacinia nec leo sit amet, dignissim dignissim lacus.", 'bonestheme') . '</strong>'
    						. '</li>'
    						. '</ul>'
    					'acf_fc_layout' => 'image_text_juxta'
    					'acf_fc_layout' => 'large_gallery',
    					'title' => __("Galerie d'images", 'bonestheme'),
    	return $new_value;
    add_filter('acf/load_value/name=page_blocks', 'default_page_blocks_room', 10, 3);

    One of my layouts is defined as such:

    'small_gallery_text' => [
    	'key' => 'layout_page_blocks_small_gallery_text',
    	'label' => __("Petite galerie avec texte", 'bonestheme'),
    	'display' => 'block',
    	'name' => 'small_gallery_text',
    	'sub_fields' => [
    			'key' => 'field_page_blocks_small_gallery_text_gallery',
    			'label' => __("Galerie d'images", 'bonestheme'),
    			'instructions' => __("La première image s'affichera en grand par défaut.", 'bonestheme'),
    			'name' => 'gallery',
    			'type' => 'gallery',
    			'wrapper' => [ 'width' => 50 ],
    			'key' => 'field_page_blocks_small_gallery_text_text',
    			'label' => __("Texte adjacent à la galerie", 'bonestheme'),
    			'name' => 'text',
    			'type' => 'wysiwyg',
    			'wrapper' => [ 'width' => 50 ],
  • To populate the fields in the layout you need to use the field keys instead of the field names.

    'field_page_blocks_small_gallery_text_text' =>
    						'<h2>' . __("Description", 'bonestheme') . '</h2>'
    						. '<p>' . __("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas varius tortor nibh, sit amet tempor nibh finibus et. Aenean eu enim justo.", 'bonestheme') . '</p>'
    						. '<ul class="half-width-blocks">'
    						. '<li>'
    						. '<strong class="large-text">' . __("Donec libero turpis, lacinia nec leo sit amet, dignissim dignissim lacus.", 'bonestheme') . '</strong>'
    						. '</li>'
    						. '</ul>'
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