Is there any addon, or any way to make a Date Picker act as Range Picker?
Currently I render two Date Pickers (from date – to date) but its not ideal.
Any thoughs ?
Hi @seldimi ,
I am currently not aware of any plugin that could assist with the implementation.
Here is something that might help
Hope this helps.
It seems interesting.
If I add it in functions, will acf pro recognize it?
Hi @seldimi
By adding it into the functions.php file, ACF should be able to recognize it as expected.
Hope this helps.
I have added it but it seems to do nothing. Are we sure that’s a date range and not a function that just finds the range between two dates?
Hi @seldimi
ACF currently does not currently have a date range field and thus the code acts to find range between two dates using the standard date field.
Acf should have this functionality.
Agreed. This would be a nice addition for ACF.