I’m having trouble with date formatting.
I enter the code indicated in the Documentation of the ACF, but does not appear the date selected internally only the current date, today.
I have already tried with the following two codes and the same for both:
<?php $dateformatstring = "d/m/Y";
$unixtimestamp = strtotime(get_field('desde'));
echo date_i18n($dateformatstring, $unixtimestamp);?>
<?php $date = get_field('desde', false, false);
$date = new DateTime($date);?>
<p>Event start date: <?php echo $date->format('j M Y'); ?></p>
Result of both:

What am I doing wrong?
How do I get the date chosen on beckend?
Thank you!
Hmm, have you altered the default date format for this field? The default “yymmdd” should be working fine in your code sample.
Try echoing the raw value that get_field() returns, without parsing it with strtotime(), to see what’s up with it.
Hello, @stormwind!
Thank you for your return.
I already got it.
The problem was in get_field
, I changed to get_sub_field
and that’s it and ready the date selected appears as it would be.
Silly thing. rsrsrs
Thank you so much