I have a ACF Field with datepicker and like to display the date in this format:
Wordpress get_date can do this format with a code like this:
$output .= get_the_date('<\b/>d<\/b/><\b\r/>M');
Is there something similar with ACF?
It depends on what version of ACF you’re using. There is a custom format for the display formatting. In ACF4 it says you can use any valid jquery date format. For ACF5 it uses the builtin WP function date_i18n() https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/date_i18n/ and you can use any valid date formatting string.
If this does not work for you then you’ll need to get the unformatted value of the field get_field('field_name', false, false);
and format it yourself using PHP.
Hi John,
thanks for your answer! With your hints I figured it out. This is my solution:
$date = get_post_meta( $entry->ID, "my-acf-field", true );
$date = new DateTime($date);
$finalVal = $date->format('<\b/>j<\/b/><\b\r/>M');
$output .= $finalVal;