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Date Field – change div class based by date

  • Hello ,

    In the site that i develop i was try to change a class to a div by the date that choose in the date field in the admin, the page is events page, and i am using with a repeater field, the date field is a sub-field.

    What in the end i want to achieve – When the date is far from the date event or it is the day – add class to a div “webinar-holder”.
    When the date of the event has passed – add class “old-event”

    i was try as follow

                            <?php if( $webinarDate <= date('dmY') ) { ?>
                            <div class="webinar-holder old-event">
                             <?php } elseif ( $webinarDate >= date('dmY') ) { ?>
                             <div class="webinar-holder">
                             <?php } ?>

    And this is the long code (with the repeater):

               <div class="webinars-container">
                <?php if( have_rows('webinars-repeater') ){ ?>
                        <?php while( have_rows('webinars-repeater') ) { the_row();                                           
                            // vars
                            $webinarTitle = get_sub_field('webinar-title');                                          
                            $webinarDate = get_sub_field('webinar-date');                                           
                            $webinarStartTime = get_sub_field('webinar-time-start');                                           
                            $webinarEndTime = get_sub_field('webinar-time-end');                                           
                            $webinarLecturerImg = get_sub_field('webinar-lecturer');                                           
                            $webinarAboutLecturer = get_sub_field('webinar-about-lecturer');                                           
                            $webinarLink = get_sub_field('webinar-link');                                           
                            $webinarLinkText = get_sub_field('webinar-link-text');                                                                                     
                            <?php if( $webinarDate <= date('dmY') ) { ?>
                            <div class="webinar-holder old-event">
                             <?php } elseif ( $webinarDate >= date('dmY') ) { ?>
                             <div class="webinar-holder">
                             <?php } ?>
                               <!-- details -->
                               <div class="webinar-details">
                                   <div class="webinar-subject">
                                      <?php if (get_locale() == 'he_IL')  {  ?>
                                          <div class="title">על מה נדבר?</div>
                                      <?php } elseif (get_locale() == 'en_US') { ?>
                                          <div class="title">What will we talk about?</div>
                                      <?php } ?>      
                                       <?php echo $webinarTitle; ?>
                                   <div class="webinar-date">
                                      <?php if (get_locale() == 'he_IL')  {  ?>
                                          <div class="title">בתאריך</div>
                                      <?php } elseif (get_locale() == 'en_US') { ?>
                                          <div class="title">Date</div>
                                      <?php } ?>  
                                       <?php echo $webinarDate; ?>
                                   <div class="webinar-time">
                                      <?php if (get_locale() == 'he_IL')  {  ?>
                                          <div class="title">בין השעות</div>
                                      <?php } elseif (get_locale() == 'en_US') { ?>
                                          <div class="title">Time</div>
                                      <?php } ?>   
                                       <?php echo $webinarStartTime; ?>&nbsp;-&nbsp;<?php echo $webinarEndTime; ?>
                               <!-- end details -->
                               <div class="webinar-about-lecturer-container">
                                       <div class="lecturer-image">
                                             <img src="<?php echo $webinarLecturerImg['url']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $webinarLecturerImg['alt'] ?>" />
                                  <div class="about-lecturer-text"><?php echo $webinarAboutLecturer; ?></div>
                                   <a href="<?php echo $webinarLink; ?>" target="_blank" class="webinar-link" rel="nofollow"><?php echo $webinarLinkText; ?></a>
                        <?php } ?>
                <?php } ?>     

    I don’t now what i missed that isn’t working.

    I will very appreciat for every Instruction what to do to fix this….

  • What is the date format of the date field?

    In order to compare 2 dates the dates must be in the same format and that format must have the year first, month second and day last (“Ymd” or “Y-m-d” or “Y/m/d”). in the format you are using dmY 12-30-1900 (Dec 30, 1900) will always be greater than any other date combination for example 01-01-2021 (Jan 1, 2021), “01” is less than “12”

    // unformatted date
    $webinarDateUnformatted = get_sub_field('webinar-date', false, false);
    $now = date('Ymd');
    if ($webinarDateUnformatted < $now) {
      // date is less than now
  • Thank you for your reply John Huebner…

    i set the date format as i Used to write the date, like this – 08/09/2020
    this is day-month-year.
    However – i try to set the format (‘Ymd’) as you say and this is worked – Thank you.

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