I am new to wpgraphql. Previously I was using Contentful. I am trying to create new content type using custom post type ACF. But it’s not displaying in graphql.
Did you figure this out?
I’m in that boat right now: I’ve created ACF fields and can’t find them in the GraphQL query composer that is provided by the GraphQL plugin.
It’s been almost a year since this question was asked and there has been zero support. I am encountering this issue now in 2024 and actual support would be appreciated.
I have been using the Atlas Content Modeler which has been amazing, but when attempting to convert to the ACF Post Types the Custom Post Types DO NOT show up in the GraphQL IDE. Are we missing a step? Or should it just function.
Please answer us and help us resolve this issue.
Finally resolved this for any future readers.
To fix this ensure you are using the WPGraphQL Plugin available directly from searching in the WordPress Plugin Directory. Link for reference: https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/wpgraphql-acf/
Then in your Custom Post Type settings within the ACF area, toggle the Advanced settings and with the above plugin installed you should now see a new GraphQl area. Toggle the Show in GraphQL option and you should be good to go.
It seems the WPGraphQL ACF plugin available on the WPGraphQL Website is out of date and should really be updated to link to the newer version.
Thank you, I wouldn’t have fixed it without your help.