i went through lots of topics but still didn’t find an answer.
i would like to ask how is possible to use ACF custom image field as a post thumbnail?
this is my field name <?php echo get_field(‘collection_item_image’); ?>
i am new to wordpress.any help is highly appreciated
thank you
Do you mean you want to set the image in an ACF image field as the featured image?
Please delete this topic.i sorted my issue
Sorry if my question annoyed you. There are several paths that could have been taken. We could have added a WP filter when getting the post thumbnail to replace it with the value of an acf image field or we could set the featured image when saving the field. Either are possible.
Leaving the question here will help others looking for the same thing. Here are some links that explain setting the featured image: https://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/use-a-current-acf-image-as-the-featured-image/, https://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/set-image-as-featured-image/, https://gist.github.com/kevinwhoffman/0f6b6530564f4aef61fe