Since version 5.6 the WordPress default custom field metabox is not shown anymore. First I thought I used a function where I hide the custom fields or used the ‘hide on screen parameter’ but it’s not the case.
When I downgrade to version 5.5.14 the custom field metabox shows up again.
Can this be a bug as of version 5.6.0? I’m running the latest version 5.6.1 with WordPress 4.8.1 and the problem is still the same.
Anyone any idea what can be wrong?
Kind regards,
My bad. I found this support ticket https://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/acf-pro-5-6-0-unable-to-display-regular-custom-fields-metabox-on-cpts/.
It can be fixed with the following filter:
add_filter( 'acf/settings/remove_wp_meta_box', '__return_false' );
So the ticket can be closed.
@filipvanreeth dude thanks for the tip – was looking everywhere for this!