I’m trying to create a rule in a custom field group in order to only show that field group in the “Packs” product category, but in the right side dropdown menu all the values are the same independently of what I choose on the left side.
Shouldn’t the right side of the rule dropdown show all product categories/taxonomies when I choose category or taxonomies on the left side?
Thank you in advance.
ACF currently does not allow field groups locations by taxonomy term. The ACF Advanced plugin Pro version has this. It is often requested. I would suggest contacting the devs to add this feature https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/feedback/
We are using Advanced Custom Fields PRO (version and Advanced Custom Fields Multilingual (version 2.0.5). How come I can’t use this feature?
As I said, this feature does not exist in ACF it is in another plugin https://www.acf-extended.com/. This plugin is by another developer.
Ah I see. Sorry, I misunderstood. Thank you then.