Something very strange is going on with one of my sites. We have various custom post types with a number of custom field groups assigned to them and they have been working perfectly until now.
Yesterday I added some new fields to a group and since then (I think?) whenever any existing data is changed e.g. if I changed the field ‘1st Place’ from having the value ‘John Smith’ to ‘Fred Jones’ and then update the post, it will save and display correctly on the front end. However, as soon as I exit the edit post page and then go back into it, the original value i.e. ‘John Smith’ has returned! And therefore the front end has reverted too.
It’s not something I’ve seen before and I believe it’s only happening to data in custom fields as changes in the standard WP elements such as the main body text are being saved correctly.
I’m running a bespoke theme, WP 3.9.2 and ACF 4.3.8.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
The problem may be coming from that the the field has a default value, I’ve uncounted this before, when I change the default value it changes back to the default value, if you change it a few times in a row it should work eventually and stay as the new value you want 😀